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2058037241 / 205-803-7241 Phone Number Reverse Lookup
Phone Owner Unknown
Caller ID Unknown
Caller Type Unknown
Type of Phone Landline
Carrier Bellsouth Telecommunications Inc
City Birmingham
State Alabama
County Jefferson
County Population 662000
Local Timezone CT
User Reports
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Received a call from 205-803-7241 phone number or have any information availible? Report immediately.
Posted: 22nd Feb, 2011 by lilheim
They wont stop callin my house, and it is really annoying
Caller Type: Telemarketer
Posted: 10th Jan, 2009 by hemi
called at 9:27 a.m. on Saturday, January 10th,2009. I have been on a "do not call" list for a year now. If this continues I WILL be filing a report with BBB to shut this telemarketer down.
Caller Type: Telemarketer
Posted: 5th Jan, 2009 by scykobarbi
Calls 1 to 2 times a day starting Jan. 3. When I pick up, I hear the click of the phone being hung-up. When I called the number back, usually get nothing, but once I got "all of our agents are helping other costomers, thank you and please hold."
Posted: 5th Jan, 2009 by Kelly
Says nothing, calls about 1-2 times per week. I hear breathing on the other end but nothing else. I have been trying to find out whose number this is, but I'm not willing to pay $14.95 just to see who is harassing me. I'm going to file a police report and have Verizon investigate it. What I have found out so far is that it is a land line, the carrier is Pac-West Telecomm, and it is an unpublished number in Las Vegas (as opposed to anywhere else in that area code). I'm thinking it is someone's home phone number, their name is something like F.M. Cross. There are several F.M. Crosses in that area. Anyone out there want to help me find out who it is???
Phone owner: Cross FM
Posted: 21st Dec, 2008 by sperry
In Minnesota, they are calling on behalf of the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Complain to the newspaper and some of it's more high-end advertisers.
Phone owner: Cross FM | Caller Type: Telemarketer
Posted: 21st Dec, 2008 by sperry
Cross FM hires out to anyone who is willing to pay. They will not remove you from any of their lists regardless of how many times you request/demand them to. Consider reporting them to the Federal Trade Commission via their website:
Phone owner: Cross FM | Caller Type: Telemarketer
Posted: 23rd Nov, 2008 by taylor
I've gotten several calls from this number and do not know who it is.
Posted: 14th Nov, 2008 by Stig
Hello, My name is Kevin. I am calling with the S.J. Mercury News, how are you this evening?
Phone owner: cross FM | Caller Type: Telemarketer
Posted: 8th Nov, 2008 by CLE
I get many calls from this number almost daily. I never answer but they won't stop calling me. PLEASE STOP!!!
Phone owner: Cross FM
Posted: 23rd Sep, 2008 by Dan
They have been calling 3 times a day and do not want them to call anymore...
Caller Type: Telemarketer
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Phone number variations : 2058037241 - 205 803 7241 - 12058037241